Trees lend a beauty to our yards that smaller plants do not. They create shade for a more pleasant time outside and attract wildlife which adds to our overall enjoyment. Trees become part of our family, creating memories as they are always there in pictures and images in our minds (tire swings and treehouses, parties in the backyard). Many can live a very long time, depending on the type. However, there may come a time when a tree must be removed in order to sustain your property.
Here are ten reasons to part with our leafy friends:
1. The tree is dead or dying. A dead tree is an eyesore can lower the resale value of your home as well as detracting from the overall appeal of your lot. When a tree ages, old bark will fall off on its own and eventually be replaced by a new layer of bark if the tree is healthy. If new bark does not reappear and areas of smooth wood remain, this can be an indicator your tree’s health is on the decline. One of the best ways to determine if a tree is dead is the tree scratch test. Just beneath the dry, outer layer of bark in a tree’s trunk lies the cambium layer of bark. In a living tree, this is green; in a dead tree, it is brown and dry. There are more indicators in our April Blog. Of course, it is best to have an expert look at your tree before making a decision. Red’s Tree Service is happy to examine your trees to determine if any need to be pruned or removed. When trees are taken out and the stumps ground down, you can replace them with different kinds of plants or just enjoy more open area giving your yard a whole new look.
2. Tree is unhealthy. You may notice that top of tree branches are dying back or the trunk is showing signs of decay. Look for cracks in the main trunks or leaders. Disease or insect infestation will ultimately kill the tree and can spread to other trees in your lot. There may also be structural problems, such as interior decay that is not noticeable from the exterior. Checking the base and main branches of your trees regularly can sometimes give a clue to problems inside (for example, sawdust-like piles at the base of the trunk may be evidence of insects).
3. Tree is leaning in a dangerous direction, like toward your house, driveway, deck or children’s play area. Trees usually do not grow straight, and a little lean is normal. But if your tree is starting to look like The Leaning Tower of Pisa because of poor weight distribution or anchor root damage, it is likely unstable and needs removal or stabilization. Here are a couple of indicators:
– Exposed roots around the base of the tree
– Cracked or heaving soil, especially on the side opposite the lean
4. Tree becomes severely damaged by a storm or flooding especially if the roots are pulled out of the ground. Our specialists can examine the tree to determine if it can be saved or must be removed.
5. Trees or the roots are growing too close to structures such as your house, utility lines or other structures. Roots can cause issues to plumbing, underground wiring, and foundations. Roots that surface above the ground can create uneven lawns that are difficult to walk on potentially causing tripping or falling. Do not forget about stump removal which helps to lessen continued growth of roots and created an even surface for replanting if desired.
6. Obstructed view. Sometimes pruning is not enough to clear out the area that is blocking your windows (or your neighbor’s view) so the whole thing needs to come down. Some cities have ordinances concerning obstruction of street signs and neighboring lots.
7. The tree has become too large for its location and poses a threat to other plants around it, including inhibiting your lawn growth or other trees or a danger if it should fall or drop branches. The tree might also be in the way of construction or will be mortally damaged by heavy equipment.
8.The tree drops troublesome leaves, sap, seeds, and/or branches. Debris on lawns can severely damage mowers. These particles can also lead to brown spots that occur in the same area of the lawn, year after year especially during heat stress and drought. Residue from leaves and falling sap can discolor driveways or leaves and branches can get caught in wheel wells of cars. Of course, it is also unsightly requiring constant, tiresome cleanup.
9. There is significant crowding among trees on your property. If you see branches of separate trees overlapping above, it probably means that the roots are tangling below ground, effectively strangling each other in a struggle to survive. All trees need ground space for their roots to absorb nutrients and water from the soil and the roots are driven to spread in search of these things.
10. A change in your landscaping design. Trees require a lot of space and water, and if you desire a smaller garden, adding things like water features or xeriscaping will lead to different kinds of vegetation (or less). Creating a dining space outside is another popular trend that requires clearing out an area that currently has trees or shrubs especially if you want to put in a flooring surface, built-in barbeque or fire pit.
The dangerous work of tree removal is best left to experts! It is important to hire reputable, experienced service to remove your trees. Red’s Tree Service offers free estimates for tree trimming and cares in addition to removal of trees, and stump grinding. If you have any trees that you are considering having removed, call us at (901)-231-7733 to get the process started!!