Spring is here in full swing in the MidSouth and summer is peeking around the corner. This is the time of year when more and more people venture outside to start thinking about gardens, flowers, and trees. When it comes to trees especially, you can often benefit from waiting a little longer and planting them Read More
If you live in the MidSouth, you’ve likely experienced some pretty extreme weather over the years. Though our area isn’t known for epic snowfall, over the last couple of years we have had some serious ice storms that may or may not have impacted the trees and environment on your property. Just because you don’t Read More
If you are a homeowner or property owner, the chances are good that you’ve tried out a few DIY or ‘do it yourself’ projects over the years. It can be fun to try your hand at remodeling, painting, and even landscaping around your home and yard. For the most part, we are thrilled that you Read More
There’s something so beautiful about sitting under the shade of a huge tree in the summertime, isn’t there? Thanks to our forefathers in the Mid-South, there are plenty of old trees that have been planted and maintained around town, and plenty more people are planting new trees all the time. We know just how special Read More
When it comes to gorgeous, long-lasting summer blossoms, there isn’t much that can compare to the prolific and lovely crape myrtle. The Crape Myrtle, or Lagerstroemia Lythracae, is a lovely class of flowering trees and shrubs of around 50 different species. Also known as loosestrife, the crape (or crepe) myrtle is a highly diverse plant. Read More
Here at Red’s Tree Service of Memphis, we’re proud to be your locally owned and operated one-stop shop for all your tree-related needs. This includes keeping you informed about critical safety concerns, such as the signs of a dying tree. You may not realize it, but dead and dying trees can pose a severe safety Read More
Removing a tree from your yard is one thing, but removing the stump is another altogether. Although some smaller trees can be removed root and stem, most tree roots are too large to pull out alongside the tree, making cutting at the stump the safest and most efficient option. But now that you’ve removed the Read More
The weather is changing, so more storms are coming in certain parts of the nation as we transition toward winter. Each year storms impact homeowners knocking down trees and ruining yards from damage and debris everywhere as they move across the states. Most of the time, these trees were weakened or damaged by storms. Though Read More
What do plants need most to survive? Light, check. Water, most definitely. Nutrients, without question. But we don’t simply want our plants to survive. We want to go beyond that. We want them to ascend to glorious heights! To make plants healthier, stronger, and more resilient, we need fertilizer. However, not all fertilizers are created Read More
Wood-boring insects are among the most destructive pests of trees and shrubs. They can tunnel and feed under the bark in living wood, destroying important tissues. This causes girdling, branch dieback, structural weakness, and decline and eventual death of the tree. At Red’s Tree Service, we want to help you protect your trees from any Read More